Saturday, October 17, 2020

People Places Memories


#quote Her understanding, humane, generous and tolerant nature always went far beyond the limitations of her circumstance. Without ever having read a book on psychology, she was a born psychologist. She had an intuitive, wonderful way in dealing with people, both grown-ups and children.

You seldom come across a book that takes you on a journey through time. People Places and Memories is one such book. The book can be divided into two parts 1st one where the writer narrates his different life experiences and he at length talks about people who touched his and his family's life in one way or the other. The first half is indeed filled with Wit humor and some great insight to post independence India. How life was for a foreigner in independent India. He takes us on a journey through different places spanning different eras from Delhi to Shimla to Patiala. I loved reading the part of his stay with Patiala royalty and his adventures with them. I have to admit the author did meet with some of the highly influential people in India. The subtle details make the reading experience more enjoyable and the photographs enhance the overall reading experience. His adventure and education in Germany were quite a tale and a delightful read and his encounter with parsi brothers reflects the Wit and Humor he envied. 

While the second part is what you should never miss. I was amazed by Hedwig's character in the first part but in the second part I couldn't get over the integrity and resilience her character shows in troubling times in Germany. This is a great insight and a beautiful and realistic narration of events leading to 2nd world war. How Hitler have been manipulating masses for genocide and creating a rift and divide in German society. Her journey as a teacher and the challenges she overcome is phenomenal. I did have a resilient teacher in school and can easily correlate with the boy’s attitude and the inseparable bond between them. She writes about how difficult it was for any German who criticized Hitler to survive in Germany, you would be robbed of your belongings and thrown in concentration camps. Yes, she did survive that too. Her travel from Germany. To India is a story to read and experience the firsthand experience of sea travel during those times. She did take us on a time travel and her description of India is so true and free of any prejudice and perception. She open heartedly accepts and embraces the opportunities she has. I have been spell bound by her subtle nuances and minute details of her Stories. She is equally humorous and her comic time is impeccable even in torrid times.

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