Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Three Thousand Stitches
Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives.
The book Three Thousand Stitches is written by Sudha Murty a person who has immense knowledge and wisdom under her belt. Reading 3000 Stitches was an enthralling experience, the book covers pragmatic situation and her storytelling is poignant. This book feature 11 short stories, some from her personal life experience while few from people she met and remaining from her philanthropy days from Infosys Foundations.
This book truly is of ordinary people and their extra ordinary lives. The title of the book is taken from the first short story Three Thousand Stitches. This story is of persistence and dedication Sudha ji showed to uplift the life of some 3000 odd Devadasi’s trapped in the menace of sex trade. Her constant persuasion and Infosys foundation initiative she improved the lives of devadasi and their children. Devadasi evolved from pittance to independent income and later started a bank to support their community. This story is profoundly moving and highlights Sudha Ji’s dedication.
Similarly, there is a story of how she defied and convinced her parents for letting her peruse engineering a male dominant field. She become 1st of many girls studying engineering from her college. She has also written about the difficulties and challenges she encounter while studying and how tactfully she solved them all. The story Three handful of water talks about minimalism and giving up desire for achieving peace and tranquility in life.
All the stories have significant life lessons and great way to learn.
A good read!!

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