Tuesday, April 28, 2020

For One More Day

Ever since I finished reading Tuesdays with Morrie I understood the hype around it and can easily place it among my top 10 reads. But the problem that starts with one good book is expectation a want for such exemplary book again and it seems for me Mitch Albom can do any wrong.
If you had the chance to spend one more day with some one you lost what would you do? What would you talk about?
Chick Benetto down with his luck ex baseball player gets just that. One night he decides to end his life and his mom shows up to spend the day with him except she died 8 years ago.
For one more day is about contemplation about grief and about revisiting the old mistakes one commits that drastically alter his life. He gets an opportunity to relive some precious moments of his life which he could have spent with his mom. His moms talk and helps Chick revisit some old mistakes he made and life choice that changed his life.  He realizes how insignificant and inconsiderate he has been with his mom. he walks over some painful and some beautiful moments of his life to realize the hardship his mom faced for the upbringing of Chick and his sister. This book has some painful experience and you might get angry with Chick’s attitude but in the end, you would end up sympathizing.
Chick’s character is so relatable, he is all of us at some point of time arrogant unsure and easily motivated. Mitch Albom always gives us life lesson through stories, stories that are relatable and reflects the importance of family.

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