Life is really an illusion it’s hard to understand unless you have been around gone places and known people, we or rather I am not from a different lot though I claim 1. The biggest problem these days with me is the antagonist in me. Sometimes it feels like I am caged in a dungeon and forfeited to do anything. We normally tend to get cozy as the day passes and gradually the entire motive and the driving force is LOST. The propensity of achieving becomes gloomy and we utterly being responsible for it. I know I have a way to go things to achieve and place to doscover but with the current phase I am in it would be a rather unremitting dream. I totally understand the importance of chasing and later fulfilling the same however the resilience comes from within. This makes my work more tougher coz it is not only circumstance that has to be dealt with rather more severe is to deal edifice that I have created. The evil me tries playing with mind and believe me he is damn good at it. The only reason of me putting these into words is just to acknowledge the fact that it is me who is responsible, with past year and half my leniency and bit of covertness have let plenty of opportunity pass by and with the present stimulus I am pious to repeat the same. One part of me is trying to convince that life is good and get along with it but the intelligent me have a tough time.
With tough task ahead and even tougher days ahead to conquer the anguish and make surreal dream a real 1.